Module sre.tests.test_atoms

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import pytest

from sre.models import Atom
from sre.models import StarAtom, LetterAtom

from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis.strategies import from_regex, lists, sets

from sre import ALLOWED_MESSAGES

class TestCreation():
    def test_base_creation_fails(self):
        Check that we cannot instantiate the base Atom class.
        This should throw a TypeError exception, because we
        cannot instantiate an abstract class.
        a = Atom()

    def test_LetterAtom_creation(self):
        Check that we can create a LetterAtom with a single message.
        e1 = LetterAtom('a')
        assert e1

    def test_LetterAtom_empty_create(self):
        Check that we cannot create a LetterAtom without passing a message.

    def test_LetterAtom_empty_string_create(self):
        Check that we cannot create a LetterAtom with an empty string.

    @given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
    def test_LetterAtom_single_letter(self, x):
        Check that we can create a LetterAtom using an allowed message.
        e1 = LetterAtom(x)
        assert e1

    @given(from_regex("[0-9]+", fullmatch=True))
    def test_LetterAtom_create_with_bad_message(self, x):
        Check that LetterAtom creation fails with a forbidden message.
        The pattern should be changed if ALLOWED_MESSAGES is changed.

    @given(lists(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=2))
    def test_LetterAtom_more_than_one_good_message(self, x):
        Check that LetterAtom creation fails when more than one allowed
        message is passed.

    @given(lists(from_regex("[0-9]+", fullmatch=True), min_size=2))
    def test_LetterAtom_more_than_one_bad_message(self, x):
        Check that LetterAtom creation fails when more than one bad message
        is passed.

    def test_StarAtom_creation(self):
        Check that we can create an object of type StarAtom.
        e1 = StarAtom('a', 'b', 'c')
        assert e1

    def test_StarAtom_empty_create(self):
        Check that we can create an object of type StarAtom
        without passing any messages (i.e. it is a language
        over the empty sequence of messages).
        e1 = StarAtom()
        assert len(e1) == 0

    def test_StarAtom_empty_string_create_fail(self):
        Check that we cannot create an object of type StarAtom
        using an empty string.
        e1 = StarAtom("")

    def test_StarAtom_list_creation(self):
        Check that you can create a StarAtom
        using a list (or a set, or a tuple).
        # Use * if passing a list, set, or tuple
        e1 = StarAtom(*['a', 'b', 'c'])
        assert e1

    @given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
    def test_StarAtom_single_message(self, x):
        Check that you can create a StarAtom using any allowed message.
        e1 = StarAtom(x)
        assert e1

    @given(lists(from_regex("[0-9]+", fullmatch=True), min_size=0))
    def test_StarAtom_creation_failure(self, x):
        Check that creation fails with a forbidden message.
        The pattern should be changed if ALLOWED_MESSAGES is changed.
        e1 = StarAtom(*x)

    @given(lists(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0))
    def test_StarAtom_list_of_letters(self, x):
        Check that you can create a StarAtom using a list of allowed messages.
        e1 = StarAtom(*x)
        assert e1 is not None

class TestEntailment():
    """Entailment between Atoms is defined in Lemma 4.1. of [ACBJ04].
    Here we test the symmetric function, Atom.contains().
    @given(lists(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0))
    def test_StarAtom_naive_entailment_success(self, x):
        Check that two StarAtoms, made from the same messages,
        contain each other.
        e1 = StarAtom(*x)
        e2 = StarAtom(*x)

        assert e1.contains(e2) & e2.contains(e1)

    @given(lists(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0))
    def test_StarAtom_empty_entailment_success(self, x):
        Check that a StarAtom made with non-empty allowed messages contains
        the StarAtom made with the empty sequence.
        e1 = StarAtom(*x)
        e2 = StarAtom()

        assert e1.contains(e2)

    @given(lists(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=1))
    def test_StarAtom_empty_entailment_failure(self, x):
        Check that the empty StarAtom does not contain a non-empty StarAtom.
        e1 = StarAtom(*x)
        e2 = StarAtom()

        assert not e2.contains(e1)

    @given(sets(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0),
           sets(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0))
    def test_StarAtom_entailment_success(self, x, y):
            x, y: sets of allowed messages

        e1 = StarAtom(x)
        e2 = StarAtom(x UNION y)

            True (e2 contains e1)
        z = set.union(x, y)
        e1 = StarAtom(*x)
        e2 = StarAtom(*z)

        assert e2.contains(e1)

    @given(sets(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0,
           sets(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=3))
    def test_StarAtom_entailment_failure(self, x, y):
            x, y: sets of allowed messages

        e1 = StarAtom(x)
        e2 = StarAtom(x UNION y)

            False (e1 does not contain e2)

            Size constraints used to make sure the sets aren't identical.
        z = set.union(x, y)
        e1 = StarAtom(*x)
        e2 = StarAtom(*z)

        assert not e1.contains(e2)

    @given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
    def test_LetterAtom_naive_entailment_success(self, x):
        Check that two LetterAtoms made with the same message
        entail each other.
        e1 = LetterAtom(x)
        e2 = LetterAtom(x)

        assert e1.contains(e2) & e2.contains(e1)

    @given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
    def test_Mixed_containment_failure(self, x):
        Check that a LetterAtom cannot contain a StarAtom,
        and that a StarAtom contains a LetterAtom (when they're
        made from the same message).
        e1 = LetterAtom(x)
        e2 = StarAtom(x)

        assert not e1.contains(e2)
        assert e2.contains(e1)

    @given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
    def test_empty_star_in_letter(self, x):
        Check that the empty StarAtom is in an arbitrary LetterAtom.
        e1 = LetterAtom(x)
        e2 = StarAtom()

        assert e1.contains(e2)

class TestAbsorption():
    @given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
    def test_LetterAtom_absorption(self, x):
        Check that a LetterAtom does not absorb itself, it does
        not absorb another LetterAtom made from the same message,
        but only absorbs an empty StarAtom.
        e1 = LetterAtom(x)
        e2 = LetterAtom(x)
        e3 = StarAtom()

        assert not e1.absorbs(e1)
        assert not e1.absorbs(e2)
        assert e1.absorbs(e3)

    @given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True),
           from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
    def test_StarAtom_absorption(self, x, y):
        """Check that a StarAtom absorbs a LetterAtom made of the same
        message, and that it is absorbed by a StarAtom made of (at least)
        the same message.
        e1 = StarAtom(x)
        e2 = LetterAtom(x)
        e3 = StarAtom(x, y)

        assert e1.absorbs(e2)
        assert e3.absorbs(e1)


class TestAbsorption
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class TestAbsorption():
    @given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
    def test_LetterAtom_absorption(self, x):
        Check that a LetterAtom does not absorb itself, it does
        not absorb another LetterAtom made from the same message,
        but only absorbs an empty StarAtom.
        e1 = LetterAtom(x)
        e2 = LetterAtom(x)
        e3 = StarAtom()

        assert not e1.absorbs(e1)
        assert not e1.absorbs(e2)
        assert e1.absorbs(e3)

    @given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True),
           from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
    def test_StarAtom_absorption(self, x, y):
        """Check that a StarAtom absorbs a LetterAtom made of the same
        message, and that it is absorbed by a StarAtom made of (at least)
        the same message.
        e1 = StarAtom(x)
        e2 = LetterAtom(x)
        e3 = StarAtom(x, y)

        assert e1.absorbs(e2)
        assert e3.absorbs(e1)


def test_LetterAtom_absorption(self) ‑> NoneType

Check that a LetterAtom does not absorb itself, it does not absorb another LetterAtom made from the same message, but only absorbs an empty StarAtom.

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@given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
def test_LetterAtom_absorption(self, x):
    Check that a LetterAtom does not absorb itself, it does
    not absorb another LetterAtom made from the same message,
    but only absorbs an empty StarAtom.
    e1 = LetterAtom(x)
    e2 = LetterAtom(x)
    e3 = StarAtom()

    assert not e1.absorbs(e1)
    assert not e1.absorbs(e2)
    assert e1.absorbs(e3)
def test_StarAtom_absorption(self) ‑> NoneType

Check that a StarAtom absorbs a LetterAtom made of the same message, and that it is absorbed by a StarAtom made of (at least) the same message.

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@given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True),
       from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
def test_StarAtom_absorption(self, x, y):
    """Check that a StarAtom absorbs a LetterAtom made of the same
    message, and that it is absorbed by a StarAtom made of (at least)
    the same message.
    e1 = StarAtom(x)
    e2 = LetterAtom(x)
    e3 = StarAtom(x, y)

    assert e1.absorbs(e2)
    assert e3.absorbs(e1)
class TestCreation
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class TestCreation():
    def test_base_creation_fails(self):
        Check that we cannot instantiate the base Atom class.
        This should throw a TypeError exception, because we
        cannot instantiate an abstract class.
        a = Atom()

    def test_LetterAtom_creation(self):
        Check that we can create a LetterAtom with a single message.
        e1 = LetterAtom('a')
        assert e1

    def test_LetterAtom_empty_create(self):
        Check that we cannot create a LetterAtom without passing a message.

    def test_LetterAtom_empty_string_create(self):
        Check that we cannot create a LetterAtom with an empty string.

    @given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
    def test_LetterAtom_single_letter(self, x):
        Check that we can create a LetterAtom using an allowed message.
        e1 = LetterAtom(x)
        assert e1

    @given(from_regex("[0-9]+", fullmatch=True))
    def test_LetterAtom_create_with_bad_message(self, x):
        Check that LetterAtom creation fails with a forbidden message.
        The pattern should be changed if ALLOWED_MESSAGES is changed.

    @given(lists(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=2))
    def test_LetterAtom_more_than_one_good_message(self, x):
        Check that LetterAtom creation fails when more than one allowed
        message is passed.

    @given(lists(from_regex("[0-9]+", fullmatch=True), min_size=2))
    def test_LetterAtom_more_than_one_bad_message(self, x):
        Check that LetterAtom creation fails when more than one bad message
        is passed.

    def test_StarAtom_creation(self):
        Check that we can create an object of type StarAtom.
        e1 = StarAtom('a', 'b', 'c')
        assert e1

    def test_StarAtom_empty_create(self):
        Check that we can create an object of type StarAtom
        without passing any messages (i.e. it is a language
        over the empty sequence of messages).
        e1 = StarAtom()
        assert len(e1) == 0

    def test_StarAtom_empty_string_create_fail(self):
        Check that we cannot create an object of type StarAtom
        using an empty string.
        e1 = StarAtom("")

    def test_StarAtom_list_creation(self):
        Check that you can create a StarAtom
        using a list (or a set, or a tuple).
        # Use * if passing a list, set, or tuple
        e1 = StarAtom(*['a', 'b', 'c'])
        assert e1

    @given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
    def test_StarAtom_single_message(self, x):
        Check that you can create a StarAtom using any allowed message.
        e1 = StarAtom(x)
        assert e1

    @given(lists(from_regex("[0-9]+", fullmatch=True), min_size=0))
    def test_StarAtom_creation_failure(self, x):
        Check that creation fails with a forbidden message.
        The pattern should be changed if ALLOWED_MESSAGES is changed.
        e1 = StarAtom(*x)

    @given(lists(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0))
    def test_StarAtom_list_of_letters(self, x):
        Check that you can create a StarAtom using a list of allowed messages.
        e1 = StarAtom(*x)
        assert e1 is not None


def test_LetterAtom_create_with_bad_message(self) ‑> NoneType

Check that LetterAtom creation fails with a forbidden message. The pattern should be changed if ALLOWED_MESSAGES is changed.

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@given(from_regex("[0-9]+", fullmatch=True))
def test_LetterAtom_create_with_bad_message(self, x):
    Check that LetterAtom creation fails with a forbidden message.
    The pattern should be changed if ALLOWED_MESSAGES is changed.
def test_LetterAtom_creation(self)

Check that we can create a LetterAtom with a single message.

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def test_LetterAtom_creation(self):
    Check that we can create a LetterAtom with a single message.
    e1 = LetterAtom('a')
    assert e1
def test_LetterAtom_empty_create(self)

Check that we cannot create a LetterAtom without passing a message.

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def test_LetterAtom_empty_create(self):
    Check that we cannot create a LetterAtom without passing a message.
def test_LetterAtom_empty_string_create(self)

Check that we cannot create a LetterAtom with an empty string.

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def test_LetterAtom_empty_string_create(self):
    Check that we cannot create a LetterAtom with an empty string.
def test_LetterAtom_more_than_one_bad_message(self) ‑> NoneType

Check that LetterAtom creation fails when more than one bad message is passed.

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@given(lists(from_regex("[0-9]+", fullmatch=True), min_size=2))
def test_LetterAtom_more_than_one_bad_message(self, x):
    Check that LetterAtom creation fails when more than one bad message
    is passed.
def test_LetterAtom_more_than_one_good_message(self) ‑> NoneType

Check that LetterAtom creation fails when more than one allowed message is passed.

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@given(lists(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=2))
def test_LetterAtom_more_than_one_good_message(self, x):
    Check that LetterAtom creation fails when more than one allowed
    message is passed.
def test_LetterAtom_single_letter(self) ‑> NoneType

Check that we can create a LetterAtom using an allowed message.

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@given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
def test_LetterAtom_single_letter(self, x):
    Check that we can create a LetterAtom using an allowed message.
    e1 = LetterAtom(x)
    assert e1
def test_StarAtom_creation(self)

Check that we can create an object of type StarAtom.

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def test_StarAtom_creation(self):
    Check that we can create an object of type StarAtom.
    e1 = StarAtom('a', 'b', 'c')
    assert e1
def test_StarAtom_creation_failure(self) ‑> NoneType

Check that creation fails with a forbidden message. The pattern should be changed if ALLOWED_MESSAGES is changed.

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@given(lists(from_regex("[0-9]+", fullmatch=True), min_size=0))
def test_StarAtom_creation_failure(self, x):
    Check that creation fails with a forbidden message.
    The pattern should be changed if ALLOWED_MESSAGES is changed.
    e1 = StarAtom(*x)
def test_StarAtom_empty_create(self)

Check that we can create an object of type StarAtom without passing any messages (i.e. it is a language over the empty sequence of messages).

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def test_StarAtom_empty_create(self):
    Check that we can create an object of type StarAtom
    without passing any messages (i.e. it is a language
    over the empty sequence of messages).
    e1 = StarAtom()
    assert len(e1) == 0
def test_StarAtom_empty_string_create_fail(self)

Check that we cannot create an object of type StarAtom using an empty string.

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def test_StarAtom_empty_string_create_fail(self):
    Check that we cannot create an object of type StarAtom
    using an empty string.
    e1 = StarAtom("")
def test_StarAtom_list_creation(self)

Check that you can create a StarAtom using a list (or a set, or a tuple).

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def test_StarAtom_list_creation(self):
    Check that you can create a StarAtom
    using a list (or a set, or a tuple).
    # Use * if passing a list, set, or tuple
    e1 = StarAtom(*['a', 'b', 'c'])
    assert e1
def test_StarAtom_list_of_letters(self) ‑> NoneType

Check that you can create a StarAtom using a list of allowed messages.

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@given(lists(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0))
def test_StarAtom_list_of_letters(self, x):
    Check that you can create a StarAtom using a list of allowed messages.
    e1 = StarAtom(*x)
    assert e1 is not None
def test_StarAtom_single_message(self) ‑> NoneType

Check that you can create a StarAtom using any allowed message.

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@given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
def test_StarAtom_single_message(self, x):
    Check that you can create a StarAtom using any allowed message.
    e1 = StarAtom(x)
    assert e1
def test_base_creation_fails(self)

Check that we cannot instantiate the base Atom class. This should throw a TypeError exception, because we cannot instantiate an abstract class.

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def test_base_creation_fails(self):
    Check that we cannot instantiate the base Atom class.
    This should throw a TypeError exception, because we
    cannot instantiate an abstract class.
    a = Atom()
class TestEntailment

Entailment between Atoms is defined in Lemma 4.1. of [ACBJ04]. Here we test the symmetric function, Atom.contains().

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class TestEntailment():
    """Entailment between Atoms is defined in Lemma 4.1. of [ACBJ04].
    Here we test the symmetric function, Atom.contains().
    @given(lists(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0))
    def test_StarAtom_naive_entailment_success(self, x):
        Check that two StarAtoms, made from the same messages,
        contain each other.
        e1 = StarAtom(*x)
        e2 = StarAtom(*x)

        assert e1.contains(e2) & e2.contains(e1)

    @given(lists(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0))
    def test_StarAtom_empty_entailment_success(self, x):
        Check that a StarAtom made with non-empty allowed messages contains
        the StarAtom made with the empty sequence.
        e1 = StarAtom(*x)
        e2 = StarAtom()

        assert e1.contains(e2)

    @given(lists(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=1))
    def test_StarAtom_empty_entailment_failure(self, x):
        Check that the empty StarAtom does not contain a non-empty StarAtom.
        e1 = StarAtom(*x)
        e2 = StarAtom()

        assert not e2.contains(e1)

    @given(sets(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0),
           sets(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0))
    def test_StarAtom_entailment_success(self, x, y):
            x, y: sets of allowed messages

        e1 = StarAtom(x)
        e2 = StarAtom(x UNION y)

            True (e2 contains e1)
        z = set.union(x, y)
        e1 = StarAtom(*x)
        e2 = StarAtom(*z)

        assert e2.contains(e1)

    @given(sets(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0,
           sets(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=3))
    def test_StarAtom_entailment_failure(self, x, y):
            x, y: sets of allowed messages

        e1 = StarAtom(x)
        e2 = StarAtom(x UNION y)

            False (e1 does not contain e2)

            Size constraints used to make sure the sets aren't identical.
        z = set.union(x, y)
        e1 = StarAtom(*x)
        e2 = StarAtom(*z)

        assert not e1.contains(e2)

    @given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
    def test_LetterAtom_naive_entailment_success(self, x):
        Check that two LetterAtoms made with the same message
        entail each other.
        e1 = LetterAtom(x)
        e2 = LetterAtom(x)

        assert e1.contains(e2) & e2.contains(e1)

    @given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
    def test_Mixed_containment_failure(self, x):
        Check that a LetterAtom cannot contain a StarAtom,
        and that a StarAtom contains a LetterAtom (when they're
        made from the same message).
        e1 = LetterAtom(x)
        e2 = StarAtom(x)

        assert not e1.contains(e2)
        assert e2.contains(e1)

    @given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
    def test_empty_star_in_letter(self, x):
        Check that the empty StarAtom is in an arbitrary LetterAtom.
        e1 = LetterAtom(x)
        e2 = StarAtom()

        assert e1.contains(e2)


def test_LetterAtom_naive_entailment_success(self) ‑> NoneType

Check that two LetterAtoms made with the same message entail each other.

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@given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
def test_LetterAtom_naive_entailment_success(self, x):
    Check that two LetterAtoms made with the same message
    entail each other.
    e1 = LetterAtom(x)
    e2 = LetterAtom(x)

    assert e1.contains(e2) & e2.contains(e1)
def test_Mixed_containment_failure(self) ‑> NoneType

Check that a LetterAtom cannot contain a StarAtom, and that a StarAtom contains a LetterAtom (when they're made from the same message).

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@given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
def test_Mixed_containment_failure(self, x):
    Check that a LetterAtom cannot contain a StarAtom,
    and that a StarAtom contains a LetterAtom (when they're
    made from the same message).
    e1 = LetterAtom(x)
    e2 = StarAtom(x)

    assert not e1.contains(e2)
    assert e2.contains(e1)
def test_StarAtom_empty_entailment_failure(self) ‑> NoneType

Check that the empty StarAtom does not contain a non-empty StarAtom.

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@given(lists(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=1))
def test_StarAtom_empty_entailment_failure(self, x):
    Check that the empty StarAtom does not contain a non-empty StarAtom.
    e1 = StarAtom(*x)
    e2 = StarAtom()

    assert not e2.contains(e1)
def test_StarAtom_empty_entailment_success(self) ‑> NoneType

Check that a StarAtom made with non-empty allowed messages contains the StarAtom made with the empty sequence.

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@given(lists(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0))
def test_StarAtom_empty_entailment_success(self, x):
    Check that a StarAtom made with non-empty allowed messages contains
    the StarAtom made with the empty sequence.
    e1 = StarAtom(*x)
    e2 = StarAtom()

    assert e1.contains(e2)
def test_StarAtom_entailment_failure(self) ‑> NoneType


x, y: sets of allowed messages

e1 = StarAtom(x) e2 = StarAtom(x UNION y)


False (e1 does not contain e2)


Size constraints used to make sure the sets aren't identical.

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@given(sets(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0,
       sets(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=3))
def test_StarAtom_entailment_failure(self, x, y):
        x, y: sets of allowed messages

    e1 = StarAtom(x)
    e2 = StarAtom(x UNION y)

        False (e1 does not contain e2)

        Size constraints used to make sure the sets aren't identical.
    z = set.union(x, y)
    e1 = StarAtom(*x)
    e2 = StarAtom(*z)

    assert not e1.contains(e2)
def test_StarAtom_entailment_success(self) ‑> NoneType


x, y: sets of allowed messages

e1 = StarAtom(x) e2 = StarAtom(x UNION y)


True (e2 contains e1)

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@given(sets(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0),
       sets(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0))
def test_StarAtom_entailment_success(self, x, y):
        x, y: sets of allowed messages

    e1 = StarAtom(x)
    e2 = StarAtom(x UNION y)

        True (e2 contains e1)
    z = set.union(x, y)
    e1 = StarAtom(*x)
    e2 = StarAtom(*z)

    assert e2.contains(e1)
def test_StarAtom_naive_entailment_success(self) ‑> NoneType

Check that two StarAtoms, made from the same messages, contain each other.

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@given(lists(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True), min_size=0))
def test_StarAtom_naive_entailment_success(self, x):
    Check that two StarAtoms, made from the same messages,
    contain each other.
    e1 = StarAtom(*x)
    e2 = StarAtom(*x)

    assert e1.contains(e2) & e2.contains(e1)
def test_empty_star_in_letter(self) ‑> NoneType

Check that the empty StarAtom is in an arbitrary LetterAtom.

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@given(from_regex(ALLOWED_MESSAGES, fullmatch=True))
def test_empty_star_in_letter(self, x):
    Check that the empty StarAtom is in an arbitrary LetterAtom.
    e1 = LetterAtom(x)
    e2 = StarAtom()

    assert e1.contains(e2)